Address and Directions
General Atomics Synopta GmbH
Sonderstrasse 7
9034 Eggersriet
Phone: +41 71 877 29 36

The address of the business premises (offices, laboratory, workshop) of GA-Synopta GmbH in Eggersriet is:
General Atomics Synopta GmbH
Sonderstrasse 7
9034 Eggersriet
You can reach us in Eggersriet by car or by public transport services:
By car:
Coming from St. Gallen stay on motorway A1 in direction St. Margrethen. Take Exit 83 St.Gallen Neudorf to leave the motorway and drive towards Heiden. In Eggersriet pass the church (right side) and drive up to Carrosserie Brülisauer AG (right side). On the opposite side (left) is the community work yard of Eggersriet (Werkhof). If you turn left after the work yard into the small driveway you reach directly the GA-Synopta facilities. Parking spaces are at the building. For a navigation system please use the address “Heidenerstrasse 29“ .
By public transport services:
Coming by train leave the train at St. Gallen Main Station and take the Bus 120 in direction Heiden. Leave the bus in Eggersriet at the Post Office and walk in bus driving direction further towards the community work yard (Werkhof) on the left side of the road. If you turn left after the work yard into the small driveway you reach directly the GA-Synopta facilities.